Wednesday, May 29

isn't it ironic how we buy shit food and eat shit food just to make us feel less shit when we feel shit but all it ever does is make us feel more shit and look shit which overall turns us into absolute insufferable complete shits. i've gone sixty days/~two months no shit food. shit food being anything other than organic fruits vegetables nuts and seeds in their natural raw uncooked state. no refined sugar, refined salt, refined carbs, refined oils, transfats, artificial flavourings, additives, animals or animal by-products, etc etc. basically anything with a face and a mother, anything man-made, anything wrapped in plastic or with texture resembling plastic- none of that. i can honestly say that this is the furthest away from shit that i have ever felt since being conscious of living.


Saturday, May 25

so i have a friend who was verging on complete physical mental social breakdown purely because her phone had died. i don't understand emotional attachment to objects. replaceable items- unsustainable joy. objects don't make you happy. new objects do. understandably because you're human and humans are curious to all things new and shiny. but new objects get old. initial happiness- gone. you just end up buying more and more new shit that becomes old shit which you can't throw away because you're so god damn attached- to an object.
i advocate clearing shit out on a regular basis. to charity or another person. whatever whoever, just detach yourself from everything. objects have no value. your phone is not your life. if it is then please reevaluate. cause when you're not holding onto the old, you're more receptive to the new and that's basically what we crave in the first place.


Thursday, May 23

zara parka, topshop sweater, vintage levis, vintage belt, ebay bag.
sun has gone. i have to revise.


Wednesday, May 22

riverisland shirt, newlook parka, topshop shorts, primark sandals. 
more often than not its the ones that know right from wrong who find it hardest to be good. for example. i know i should revise. revising is useful/helpful/advised and i should probably do so. however, suns out so fuck it.
